Thursday, May 14, 2009

Second Meeting in Kinoguitan: March 26, 2009


The following attended our second meeting in Kinoguitan at around 2 pm: Tamboy, Denis, Danny, Edgar R., Felipe, Marcia, Erlinda, Amalia P., Lolita, Sol, Gloria, Mariel and Becks.

This time we discussed the project to buy piglets. Felipe commented that it is hard to raise pigs because they need cash everyday for the feeds. It will be difficult for them to sustain that project. He suggested that instead of piglets, we will buy a cow. It will be two years old by the time we will have our reunion. They will only pasture it and he volunteered to care for the cow until 2011.

The problem was the initial capital needed to buy a cow. I offered 3,000 for the piglets but we needed 6,000 for the cow. So I asked them to put up that afternoon the other 3,000. We had the following pledges: Denis 1,000, Amy Pats 1,000, Lolita 500, Felipe 250 and Tamboy 250. The target date to buy the cow is July - August. Denis and Felipe are the ones in charge of buying it.

Danny was forced by the group to donate a goat. He reacted towards the end of the meeting that he could not afford to buy one but Denis said the meeting is closed and only now you will complain? Everybody joined in and Marcia and Mariel promised to cook it. We already have calderetang kanding.

The ones designated treasurers were Marcia and Mariel. They will open an account in the bank. If you have donation please send it to Marcia and Mariel through Western Union. Please be guided that the full name of Marcia is Marcia Luisa Pamisa. Take note of that.

It is best to inform ahead in case you want to send money. Just get in touch with Becks in the email so we could facilitate the process.

It was also agreed during that meeting that we will donate brand new computers to our Alma Mater. But that would depend on how much money we will be able to raise until 2011.

We also agreed on the minimum contribution but the maximum will be up to the generosity of each one especially those who are financially blessed. At the beginning Denis suggested 500 but considering the status of some of our classmates in Kino we lowered it to 200. They have 2 years to pay that amount. Actually we thought everybody could come up with 500 but we do not want the money to be a hindrance for not attending the reunion. We also thought that those who are financially challenged might think that they could not afford the contribution so we lowered it to that amount.

With or without contribution please come. But if you have contribution give it ahead of time so we could plan on what to donate to our school. If you will give only on the day of our reunion, that money will already be savings for the next reunion.

Concerning the place, Marcia suggested that it will be in the beach but considering the situation of Denis, we decided that it will just be in the school.

So far this were the most important things that were agreed upon. Details of the affair will be discussed later.

For our merienda, Marcia cooked binignit again and Lolita bought drinks and a bottle of beer.

The next meeting will be in August. It will be Marcial who will preside it. The meeting will be held in the house of Bobong. That was a unanimous suggestion.

Agenda for the next meeting:

1. Follow up of the purchase of the cow.
2. Update of the classmates
3. T-shirt
4. Contribution
5. Agree on the next meeting

The following day, Monday Becks went to CMU to meet Amie Raf and Marcial. We had lunch together and we discussed the meeting in August. They are very willing to go to Kino. So I told Angelita that those in CDO can wait for Marcial and Amie at Puerto and go together at Kino. That would be great.

Bong ikaw ang taya.

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