Thursday, May 28, 2009


This evening, my community prayed at 5:30. We had one hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

During the time of silence, so many thoughts came into my mind. I look back at the almost one month of trying to get in touch with our classmates, visiting them, meeting several times and in different places. I look back at what I have done and said and there were things I regretted.

I stayed in silence with a heavy heart and it brought me back to my high school life. I was not happy during all those years. I don’t want to go back to the place much more to relive my memories about it. If not for the enthusiasm of Mac Francis, I would not have exerted so much effort.

It was with this spirit that I entered prayer. And the picture of Leandro and Kevin flashed in my mind. The caption in the picture was “Dad Boboy and Kevin”. I told Boboy that “you look like a loving Dad. I love that pic.”

But there was something more to that picture, in Boboy I saw Dr. Aguinaldo and with Dr. Aguinaldo, my experience with Papa.

You all know what happened to Papa those times of our high school years. Those were the most painful experiences that until now left a scar in my life. But there was one man in Kinoguitan who understood my pain, it was Dr. Aguinaldo.

During those times I was not allowed to see Papa. Whenever I go to Papa, I have to escaped from home or tell lies just to go and see Papa. Sarah and Tamboy would accompany me there. But when I go home Tiya Edik would scold me for several days without end.

There were times that my desires to see Papa was so intense but I could not go to see him, I would get sick. Then I would request for Dr. Aguinaldo. He would come and sit at the side of my bed and talk to me for 15 to 30 minutes. While talking he would caress my head and touch my hand. Then before leaving me he would inject something.

I often get sick and Dr. Aguinaldo will be there.

When I was in college, I was still sick but I don’t want to see Doctors in Cagayan. I went home to Kinoguitan only to find out that Dr. Aguinaldo was not there anymore. I went to Dr. Eduarte and he gave me medicine. But I told him that Dr. Aguinaldo would just give me injection. He said it was only distilled water that was injected to me. Simple fever or cough does not need injection.

Then I realized that Dr. Aguinaldo understood my need. I was longing for my Papa’s presence and that was precisely what he has given me every time he comes to visit me at home.His presence cured me.

He was not only my doctor, he was my friend. We exchange pocket books. He would lend me his books and I would tell him good books I read in the library.

This memory threw some light in the otherwise painful memories I have in Kinoguitan. The picture of Dad Boboy and Kevin reminded me of this memory.

I hope that this reunion we are planning will bring healing of wounds, joy, reconciliation, cooperation, love and thanksgiving.

See you there… in 2011.


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