Monday, June 22, 2009

Triumph of Love

Rebecca Polinar
Speech during the Special Commencement Exercises At Far Eastern University on June 20, 2009

President of Far Eastern University: Dr. Lydia Echauz, Vice President for Academic Affairs: Architect Miguel Carpio, Our Commencement Speaker: Dr. Annabelle Borromeo, Administrators, Dear Parents and Relatives, Fellow Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning.

Today we celebrate the triumph of love.

It is our love for learning, for improving and preparing ourselves better for life that brought us to the portals of our beloved Alma Mater. We endured and hopefully enjoyed the lectures, class interactions, exams, the seemingly endless research, reports and co-curricular activities as essential parts of the whole process of learning.

Our quest would not have been realized if not for the love of our parents and relatives who unquestionably paid for our miscellaneous, tuition and other fees. Over and above these fees we still have our fare, food, load, mall and other allowances. Only true love could endure such expenses.

Our endeavours would be lacking if not for the love of our professors who patiently provided us the environment for learning to take place. Despite the discouraging results of our exams, they persevered in their commitment to be there for us hoping for miracles to happen. Indeed that miracle happens today, our graduation day.

This very day reminds me of the graduations I have had in the past. This is my third valedictory address. The first was in elementary; second, in high school. In college I took up Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at Xavier University, Ateneo de Cagayan. I graduated in 1982, taught for one semester in the Chemistry Department of the same school, got my license as Chemist the following year and worked in Agusan del Norte Integrated Feed Mill for another year. I was about to begin working in a much bigger company when this nagging feeling in my heart that God has plans for me other than the one I wanted to carve for myself became so intense that I could no longer ignore it. I sought for guidance and enlightenment and finally in 1985 I joined the Carmelite Missionaries.

My dream to become a full time science researcher was totally changed. God’s love for me won over my personal plans and ambitions. This decision brought me to different schools but in a totally different field. I underwent ecclesiastical studies. I enrolled at the Sister’s Institute of Formation at the University of Santo Tomas, Catechesis at the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine at Santa Isabel College, Discernment Course at the Loyola School of Theology, and Spirituality at the Teresian Institute in Rome. So totally different from what I really wanted. But God’s generosity could never be outdone. In exchange of my dreams was His abounding love.

We are all witnesses to the fact that the power of love can define a person’s destiny. The persevering love of Ann Sullivan transformed the hard-headed Helen Keller. The love of St. Monica converted his wayward son, the now famous St. Augustine. The love of Mrs. De La Cruz for her special child led her to take up Master of Arts in Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction with Specialization in Special Education. The love of fathers and mothers for their children strengthened them to endure the loneliness of being in a foreign land away from their love ones. These are just a few of the many stories of love and sacrifice. Some beget fulfilment and happiness, some continue to struggle.

My mission as a Carmelite Missionary includes working in the slums of Quezon City, as Campus Minister of Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City, as broadcaster in the Heart of Mary Station, Mati, Davao Oriental, then as member of the Provincial Council of the Blessed Francisco Palau Province which includes the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia. When my term as Provincial Councillor ended in 2006, I volunteered as Missionary to China. Again I have to prepare myself for this new mission. I studied Mandarin at Fu Jen University in Taipei, Taiwan, then at the Recardo Leong Center for Chinese Studies at Ateneo de Manila University. It was at this time that I met Dr. Elizabeth Melchor who paved the way for an education course at Far Eastern University. I took up Certificate of Teachers’ Education in the second semester of 2006 and in 2007 I was in China teaching English. Big thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Melchor. But my supposedly two-year contract was cut short and my Congregation would not allow me to go back alone. That gave me ample time to finish this degree while waiting for another volunteer to end her term as Novice Mistress. Now we are preparing for our new mission. But I already started my mission here at Far Eastern University with my Chinese classmates, friends and former students in China. All for the love of God who called me to serve where He wills. True love always triumphs.

The defining moment of love is the good that we do to others. Two thousand and 9 years ago Jesus showed us what authentic love is. It dignifies, not humiliates, it creates and recreates, not destroys, it vivifies, not kills, it supports the beloved, not abandons; it gives more than it takes. This love that Jesus has shown us is the kind of love that is needed today. The world needs this love, our environment waits for this love, our people deserve this love and our poor hopes for this love.

Our Alma Mater, a private university of choice in Asia, envisioned us graduates of today as principled and competent, service-oriented, endowed with the highest intellectual, moral and cultural standards seeking the advancement of the global society. Are we? If we are, then, the future lies wide open for us graduates of Far Eastern University. A world of limitless possibilities awaits us. Most of us will land good paying jobs; others will pursue higher studies and contribute to the advancement of knowledge for the wellbeing of humankind. We will be catalyst for progress, workers for peace, builders of hope and witnesses of authentic love.
As for me, I hope to be admitted in Beijing Language and Culture University to pursue serious studies of the Chinese Language, and there sow the seed of love for which God has loved me.

It is but fitting that we express our heartfelt gratitude to all who have become part of our journey: Our Administrators, Professors, Parents, loved ones and most especially to God. Thank you very much.

Special thanks to the Institute of Education who provided me a home in this University: to Dr. Violeta Jerusalem, my former Dean, Dr. Barbara Fernandez, my present Dean, Dr. Reynaldo Cruz, our graduate studies Coordinator and the staff.

Our Alma Mater has fulfilled its mission for us today. Now, it is our turn to do our mission.

Good luck and God bless. Thank you.

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